Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stop it BEFORE it Starts!

Mold can start without you even knowing it...
How do we stop it???
FIX the LEAKS!!!

Rain and high humidity can bring moisture indoors, creating dampness, mold and mildew -- big problems for healthy indoor air. Dampness alone -- not just mold -- is associated with higher risk of wheezing, coughing and asthma symptoms.

Check your roof, foundation and basement or crawlspace once a year to catch leaks or moisture problems and route water away from your home’s foundation. Fix problems as quickly as possible to prevent unhealthy dampness from entering your home.

Serving Orange, San Bernardino,
Riverside & Los Angeles Counties

Call Us Toll Free

10372 Stanford Ave Unit "U"
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Voice 714-590-2800     Fax 714-539-4315

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