Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Showers bring...

...More Floods. So be READY!! Flood prevention is important to keep you and your family safe!

As the rainy season gets underway, Department of Public Works officials encourage residents to take precautions and protect themselves and their property from flood risks and flood damage. The Los Angeles basin is subject to floods caused by short duration high intensity storms. A moderate rainfall on the coast may produce very heavy rain in the mountains, creating risks of mudflows. In the flat lands, a short-lived storm can cause ponding that damages property and increases traffic accidents.

Flood Prevention Tips

  • Keep drainage areas (ditches, swales, small channels) free of debris accumulation.
  • Consult an engineer to design a permanent water/flood debris control device, if needed.
  • Ensure that drainage facilities are functioning properly
  • Landscape slope areas with plants suitable for fire retardant and erosion control.
  • Report water in streets overtopping the curb to the Bureau of Engineering 
  • Review your insurance coverage. Homeowner's insurance does not cover flood damage.
Insurance premiums are reduced ten percent if the building is located within the City's 100-year floodplain. Areas outside the 100-year floodplain receive a five percent discount. However, there is a 30-day waiting period for the flood insurance to become effective.

Serving Orange, San Bernardino,
Riverside & Los Angeles Counties

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10372 Stanford Ave Unit "U"
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Voice             714-590-2800           Fax 714-539-4315

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